Yes. That’s it. Now it’s official. After numerous months of gestation the first release of RETREAT hit the vinyl shops worldwide! It was a lot of work for Hauke and I (especially for Hauke because he’s more the computer nerd…plus I can be a lazy mofo sometimes), but of course it was all worth it! The vinyl smells good, Gesine’s artwork looks extra tight, the sleeves are solid and most importantly the tracks sound HEAVY, thanks to the scientists at Dubplates & Mastering.
We threw a release party on the 10th of April at the marvellous Tape club in Berlin. Playing live for the first time in Berlin, Session Victim absolutely rocked the place! It was honestly the highlight of the night. Agnès performed a bouncy DJ set and I had a great time doing the warm-up, but Hauke & Mathias got the whole crowd going crazy and the industry headz at the bar taking notice…Yes, Session Victim are set to do damage this year!
It also looks like Retreat will start a monthly party in Kreuzberg best kept’s secret location…I organised a marvellous party last thursday with Tokyo’s finest DJ Kent and sonic grandmaster Hunee. The vibe was so warm and friendly that Hauke and I have decided to turn the spot into Retreat’s HQ for some monthly madness…more infos to come very, very soon!
Great post! Just wanted to let you know you have a new subscriber- me!