It’s not always fun and games to run a brand new vinyl label: bills to pay, stress from the pressing plant, release sheets to prepare (I mean, sometimes you’re just not inspired to write about music, right?), Computer DJs nagging for promos…
But there’s one special event that always make the Retreaters überhappy (my german teacher says “über” is the new “awesome” in American schools, I somehow doubt her): the delivery of Test Pressings! The DHL box that gets carried 4 stairs (the employees love us) to the Retreat HQ is always treated like a gift from the gods…
The fun part doesn’t stop there since we (I mean Hauke) then spend a whole afternoon stamping our T.P.’s with an infamous R and print info sheets that will slide between the record and it’s paper sleeve, just like the old days.
This week, we received promos of RTR02 (a super fresh EP by Session Victim) and 45 lucky DJs/Music Lovers/Bookers/Friends will get a nice shining copy. But before the records are posted or given hand to hand, it looks a bit like this at Retreat HQ: