Tag: Paris
Quarion (DJ) – Glazart, Paris
Quarion (DJ Set)
Quarion (DJ) – Concrete, Paris
Quarion (DJ Set)
Oskar Offermann & Edward
Session Victim & Quarion (Live) – Badaboum, Paris
Retreat takes over Badaboum… again!
Session Victim
Quarion (Live)
Giovanni Damico
Session Victim (live) – Concrete, Paris
Session Victim (DJ) – EKO, Paris
Session Victim (DJ) – Social Club, Paris
RTR15 coming up!

„Treats Volume 5“ is officially ready to go! Hauke and I have received the Test Pressings a few days ago and thanks to the magicians at Calyx, the tracks sound precise, bass-heavy and just right! RTR15 is without a doubt our most important project so far and we are thrilled to have so many talented artists on board for this adventure. The release date has been pushed back for the end of April but we will soon give you the opportunity to pre-order your copy, so be sure to keep an eye on our webshop. In the meantime, you can already enjoy some extracts of the A-side here.
Our „5 Year anniversary Tour“ is also shaping up nicely and so far, dates in Berlin, Dresden, Zürich, London and Paris have been confirmed. Please get in touch with David and Elie if you would like to bring the Retreat Soundsystem to your town!
Thank you for your support and please stay tuned!
Five Year Anniversary Tour – Badaboum, Paris
Iron Curtis – Live
Session Victim – DJ
Quarion – DJ